
Love and Knowledge

I have been reading though Proverbs lately and I've been reflecting on how my life would have been different in certain situations had I followed the wisdom provided. And through this I have discovered a very interesting contrast between seeking wisdom and sin.

A main theme in Proverbs is that either a person is seeking wisdom and therefore God or is a fool seeking the wicked desires of his heart (Proverbs 1:20-33). Solomon even goes so far as to as to say that seeking wisdom delivers one from evil (Proverbs 2). This seems to reveal what sin truly is and what it truly does. It calls what is good evil and what is evil good. It distorts wisdom, it flips the truth.

So in order to resist temptation and fight against the dangers of the world and the evil desires of our heart one must seek after the wisdom of God. Either a person is doing this with his life or he is seeking the world. Wisdom is the opposite of evil! This is an incredible concept! One's aim, therefore, should be to learn about God in order to combat sin in his life. This is why knowing God and never being satisfied with one's current state of knowledge is so important. If someone stops desiring knowledge of God, he automatically starts desiring evil.

But let us take this a step further. Charles Spurgeon, in his book The Saint and His Saviour, says,"...that to know Christ is to love him. It is impossible to have a vision of his face, to behold his person, or understand his offices, without feeling our souls warmed towards him." So how do we attain the wisdom and knowledge of God? We love him!

1 comment:

  1. Great post. Makes me think of my son a lot
