
Be Hated Boldly

"If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you." John 15:18-19

I am glad that Phil Robertson is not afraid of being hated by the world. His recent quotations of God's Word in an interview with GQ magazine have rocked the USA. He is being hated on an extremely public stage. All over every news station in America all day the last two days his communication of the truth of the scriptures has been debated and discussed. He has been suspended from his TV show for standing on the scriptures. The article about the interview can be found here (be warned, it contains strong language from the author of the article, if you do not mind this then I recommend you read it).

This is what is supposed to happen to Christians in a sinful world. It happened to Phil's master, Jesus Christ. He was hated for who He is and eventually died for the very people who hated him. And He did it willingly. He confronted the world with their sin and offered salvation for those sins.

Christians, may we who have been saved by Christ act like our master. Let us stand firm on God's Word and continue to bring it to those who hate us.

Friends, be hated and be hated boldly for the Gospel of Christ that the kingdom of our savior might advance through us.

I pray that all those Christians who are hated for standing firm in Christ, including Phil Robertson, would be encouraged by the fact that "these things are being done to you on account of Christ" (John 9:21). So do not fall away, for Christ "has overcome the world" (John 16:33). Our treasure is in heaven and our favor in God's eyes rather than the eyes of men.

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